Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal is offered by our friendly experienced dentists.

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Gentle, expert wisdom teeth removal here in Sydney

One common concern that many patients face is the potential removal of wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood. While these teeth can be a valuable asset if they align properly, they often pose problems that may necessitate removal.

Not every patient requires the extraction of their wisdom teeth, as some individuals may have sufficient space in their jaw for these molars to erupt without causing issues. However, for many, these teeth can become impacted or grow at an angle, leading to crowding, pain, and potential damage to neighbouring teeth. Regular check-ups and X-rays at [Dentist Practice Name] allow us to assess the alignment and positioning of your wisdom teeth, enabling us to provide tailored recommendations based on your unique dental anatomy. Our compassionate team will ensure that you receive the personalised care you need, whether it involves the careful monitoring of your wisdom teeth or the implementation of a timely extraction plan to safeguard your overall oral health.

We'd be happy to talk you through this treatment and help organise an appointment.
02 3333 5555

Our experienced team

We know that undergoing a tooth extraction, particularly when it comes to wisdom teeth, can be an uncomfortable process. Our commitment is to alleviate your concerns associated with this procedure for you and your family. Our team, composed of proficient and compassionate professionals, is dedicated to ensuring that your experience is as smooth and comfortable as possible.
Dr Olivia Smith
Dr John Doe
Dr Timothy Sing